Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New York, New York....

Last Thursday, Jared came from Harrisburg to see my final tango performance at the Annenberg Center in Philadelphia. After hours at the popular Wharton pub, the student audience went crazy - people were so loud, that we could barely hear the music on the stage. Quite an experience! I am just so thankful that the choreography came together - just a few days before, it had looked so uncoordinated!

Jared spent Friday working on his paper and I went to school for Final Friday activities. Yes, we are days away from graduating! It was great catching up with my cohortmates again and seeing Jennie's newborn - one of the few Wharton babies!

The following day we drove to New York for an amazing evening of fine Italian dining, a comedy show, Korean Karaoke (which Jared surprised me with :)), and yes, Charles' Lauder wedding! We stayed at the Sofitel hotel and all I know is that once I graduate and I save some money, I will buy a bed as amazingly comfortable as that was! :)

The end of an amazing journey

I feel that for the past year, I have not stopped. Since my trip to Israel last May, my life has taken quite a turn! First, I finished my internship at Hershey's, working on two iconic brands, the York Peppermint Pattie and the Whatchamacallit candy bar. In addition, I helped launch a new product called Thingamajig which I hope everyone will try! :) My time at Hershey's was definitely a journey of learning: from dissecting enormous databases in every way possible, to working with design agencies on packaging graphics, to presenting to the VP of Chocolate for North America. Not only did I learn a lot, but also met my amazing boyfriend Jared! :) All in all, my summer was incredible - of course! my internship came with unexpected perks :) During those months, Jared and I took a few exciting trips. One of them was to Dallas, visiting my beloved friend Tiffany who was excited to have entered the last trimester of her pregnancy. We also spent time with some of my old friends and of course, with my sister and her husband, who barely allowed us to do anything but spend time with them :) :) In Dallas, Jared was for the first time introduced to the state of Texas, and his experience driving through cowboy lands was quite memorable :) We also made time for my very favorite Pete's Dueling Piano Bar and a comedy show, where we had an absolute blast! I also introduced Jared to Persian cuisine, which he is now addicted to :) Later on in the summer we visited his older brother Jamie in DC and took a trip to New York, where we spent a few days at the US Open. Tennis is Jared's passion, and I had always dreamt of attending the prestigious championship! That weekend also marked the end of my internship and soon after, I returned to Dallas. I don't recall all of the details of the past few months, but I know I have enjoyed every single moment! :) From spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with Jared's family and our fabulous Mexican friends, to taking various other domestic trips together, to flying to Brazil with a group of Lauder friends, to taking the most interesting classes and being able to work on my travel concept, it has been an incredible ride! I am now two weeks away from graduating and closing yet another chapter in my life, and I look forward to the world of opportunities that will open after that! I am happier than ever in my life, and more excited about the future! Before rejoining the workforce full time, I will enjoy one more vacation with Jared, to Spain, Romania and Turkey. Can't wait to show him the places where I grew up! Lots of love, everyone!