Monday, August 13, 2007

Lost is Statistics :)

Hi everyone, sorry for not updating my blog in a while! My head is spinning trying to fit data in multiple regression models and figuring out whether it would be more advantageous for a company to sell individual products or bundles :) On the other hand, I must say that I am utterly surprised to find out that I love accounting - I never thought that could happen. It feels different studying accounts at 28 than at 18 - I understand concepts better ;) The class is highly interactive - we get cold called so everyone is studying like crazy. We have what is called the "battle of the cohorts", where everyone gets points for answering correctly. The pressure is on, because if we are not prepared, we lose points for the entire team.

Other than that, I have two waiver exams next week (Stats and Microeconomics), plus the Spanish evaluation test (our language level is tested periodically to ensure that we are improving.)

On Friday and Saturday I went to various parties and BBQs, and yesterday to a birthday dinner for MK (ladies only :)). It's fun, the group is gelling well :) My favorites remain the Lauderites, we are quite a gang! Jose, Matt, Brian, Jeff and Kirk are awesome - I could spend every minute of the day with them, and I would never get bored! They died laughing at me during our project meeting on Saturday, when they decided to order pizza in my apartment and I had to call to "make a modification to my order". They taught me (in colorful language) how I should have done that. hahahahaha

Hugs to everyone!

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