Thursday, May 24, 2007

One week left till we leave to Mexico!

Studies, studies, and more studies. Papa said it right today: "that's why I sent you there!" :) I admit I had gotten used to my comfortable life outside of school, and now I am beginning to remember why I was so excited when I graduated 5 years ago! :)

The good news is that I FINALLY found an apartment for the fall :) yeyyyyy I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to not have to worry about living in the streets after I return from Barcelona in July.

If I decorate it nicely, it will look similar to the beautiful model apartment displayed in the picture :) That is.... if I have the funds! One of my father's friends was kind enough to offer me several pieces of furniture and other items I will need on a daily basis. I am so grateful and can't wait to start finding a place for everything.
I am getting ready to go to a BBQ party, which will be held at one of my classmates' house. Over 40 of us will be there, and I am sure we will have a blast! I have been feeling quite anti-social lately, because I have not gone to any parties sob sob.... I have been staying home studying every day... this will be a much deserved break :)
Hugs everyone, I have to return to my studies now. The exams next week look menacing, and of course I am panicked. Will I ever change? :) muaaaaaa

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