Sunday, May 13, 2007

First week flew by!

One week has already passed and I have started dreaming of integrals and logarithmic functions :) Thank God for the Romanian education system that keeps me afloat in class, many of my classmates are not that fortunate and I sense nervousness all around me. Our final exam is this coming Tuesday! In one week we covered everything from linear functions, to variable APRs, to partial derivatives, definite integrals and profit maximization. I am amazed!

On Saturday, we had a business game / simulation which turned out quite interesting because my team, which was initially winning, lost the lead. I have learned once again something I remembered from Tony Robbins' fabulous seminars on personal growth: that if we are not aware of limitations, we perform higher. That is precisely what happened with my team. When we were told that no other team in the past had produced more than 4 high quality boxes per table (that was the exercise), a decision was made not to try to produce high quality, but instead to focus on low end production. That decision completely grilled us. I had tried to explain to the group that we could definitely do more than 4, but because my teammates' focus was on past performance, I was unable to inspire them to try. My teammates were amazed when the winning team produced 17 high quality boxes. I was not surprised at all, but I definitely need to work on motivating my team, especially when we face the constraint of time. I found myself not having the luxury of explaining in detail why we could perform better. We therefore lost the competition, when we could have won. It was a great learning lesson!

Other than that, we are all so excited about the summer immersion, that it has become the focus of almost all of our conversations. The Portuguese professor attempted to tempt me to switch tracks :) which was quite fun because my Spanish teammates immediately interfered and did not allow him to continue :) It felt great to already have their support!

I am among amazing people, all accomplished and creative, and I learn so much every day! It is a thrilling, energizing environment!

Later on today we will be taking tango classes together, what can I say? Wharton is amazing!

Hugs and kisses! I miss everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Ralu,
We are "blown away" by your studies. I would have been lost before I began. :-) We will be praying for this incredible experience you are involved in with all the exciting and challenging things you will be doing. We are excited for you. We know you will excel in everything you study. We will be anxious to read about your experiences.
Much love,
Miss Mary and Mr. Richard