Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Back in Philadelphia

My dearest friends, happy 4th of July! I am back in Philadelphia, not too sure what to do and where to go to celebrate Independence Day... I will probably go watch the parades and fireworks downtown and maybe even a special concert! Will think of something exciting! :)

My classmates are invited to give an interview to a Spanish newspaper today. They might also attend an event at the US embassy in Madrid. Wish I was there....

I was finally able to resolve my ticket situation, and I am leaving to Spain this Saturday at 5pm. The only sad part is that I will be missing the trip to Pamplona and the running of the bulls.... sob sob sob Perhaps I can make it next weekend!

For the past six centuries, the Spanish have held the festival of San Fermin involving bulls, dancing and copious volumes of red wine & sangria. The celebration is dedicated to Pamplona's Saint Fermin who was killed by bulls that dragged him through the streets, reportedly after a few too many sangrias .... Don't wanna miss this phenomenal event!

I have decided to spend my last weekend in Granada, which is supposed to be una verdadera maravilla! This city used to provide trade links with the Muslim world, particularly the gold trade with the Sub-Saharan areas south of Africa. Cannot wait to see the Moorish architecture styles, so well preserved at Alhambra - former residence of the Muslim kings of Granada and present home to a spectacular collection of Islamic art. Looking forward to my trip!

1 comment:

--==Specter==-- said...

Yo Ralu, aici finu-tu. O sa fiu in Pamplona pe 7, 8 iulie cu niste amici. Vrem sa alergam tauri! Could be good sa ne vedem si noi. Scrie-mi pe prenumenume@gmail.com (inlocuiesti prenume si nume cu ale mele sau ceri adresa de la ai tai care o s-o ia de la ai mei daca nu o ai deja). Daca n-o fi nu-i bai, alta data intr-un alt loc!