Monday, July 9, 2007

Hola amores, today a full page article about our program came out in La Gazeta, Spain's 2nd most important daily business newspaper. My classmates have become celebrities and they are loving their new status! :)

My first two days in Madrid have been incredible! This city is one of the most beautiful I have seen in my entire life. As I walked out of the metro station into La Puerta del Sol, I felt I was stepping into a world of surreal splendor. The magic of the evening and the suave lights, combined with that of the majestic buildings and the large plazas left me out of breath. I will never forget that feeling.

We then wondered for one hour down the narrow, winding streets, in search of the oldest restaurant in the world. I was actually excited that we got lost because I was able to enjoy more of Madrid's indescribable beauty and lively spirit. At midnight on Sunday, hundreds of people were having animated conversations in outdoor cafes and restaurants, as if they had no worries and no jobs to go to in the morning :) The atmosphere in the city is that of an eternal vacation and of people celebrating life.

After a copious, delicious meal, we returned to the dorm at 3am, only to fall into a deep sleep that transported me into the world of dreams, where all of the splendors of this city that has been reigned by so many civilizations came back to life.

Oh, I think I could live here forever..........


Anonymous said...

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April said...

Hey girl. Love the pictures. Especially the one of you and the really cute guy :) I wish I were in Spain with you. Oh, woe is me. Have a blast...which it looks like you are!